You Don’t Want to Miss These Beers!

We are bottling up a few beers here at the end of May slash start of June. First to go to bottling is Night Riddles. This beer is our first attempt at a tropical stout. We gave it the final taste test over the weekend, and it is nice and refreshing. This is a stout that you’ll have no trouble crushing on a hot day! Next in line for bottling is our second batch of Wheezin Teh Juice. This DIPA will have you channeling your inner Encino Man (so don’t let anyone tell you no wheezing the juice)!

Yesterday we brewed Call Me Dragon, which is our first pale ale. This one is loaded up with Citra and Amarillo hops, plus we are going to dry hop with even more! The artwork is coming along, and should be revealed in our next post.

Next brew day is going to be Pyramid Scheme. This is our first gose style beer! We will be adding key lime zest to this one. This beer’s art is also in the works, and should make the it into the next post as well.

Our Brunicorn bottle caps are going to be retired for awhile (much sadness)! Our current supplier is just too expensive to keep these going until we can make some money on our beers. For the short term we will be switching over to solid purple bottle caps (thanks for all the feedback on our Facebook poll). The Brunicorn caps are not going to be gone forever though, so don’t be too sad!

Now for some competition updates! Sadly we did not win the Listermann New England IPA/DIPA competition with our Sax on the Peach. We are still submitting it into the Ohio State Fair Homebrew Competition, along with our Tennial Sesh though. Coming up in July is another competition we are going to enter by The Hancock County Home Brewers Association. We are not 100% sure what we will be using for our submission yet. Stay tuned for more information!

4 thoughts on “You Don’t Want to Miss These Beers!”

  1. We are going to be new to Findlay this summer and love the creative stuff you have going on! Since you are bottling, is there a place to purchase or try your beer? Thanks!

    • We cannot sell our beers yet, but should be able to get some for you to try. Keep an eye on our social media for when we bottle up batches. We can arrange pickups in Findlay.

      • We will actually be in town this weekend (Saturday – Monday) and I see you are bottling a stout! Is there a way to meet up this weekend? Also, is there a better way for us to communicate through private messaging or something? THANKS!

        • We are bottling up Night Riddles on Sunday. We were planning on not doing any meet ups until Tuesday due to the holiday, but might be able to figure something out for Monday. Best way to contact would be a Facebook message to our page (you’ll hit all our members that way).


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